College Football Season
Do I love football? Meh, but college football, the unpredictability and the rivalry surrounding it, absolutely! I grew up in a Duck family and much to my parents' chagrin went off to college at their rival school. That first year I sneakily put up an OSU sticker in the back window of my dad’s truck and had the entire family open their matching Oregon State shirts Christmas morning and thus began the battle of our platypus family.
Duck + Beaver = Platypus
It only made sense that I would go on to marry another Pac 12 alumni who introduced me to sail-gating. The morning of our rivalry game we blast our university fight songs throughout the house and constantly try to one up each other. We are so invested we even used our rivalry to announce our pregnancy and continue to encourage our children to pick a side, all in good fun of course.
Because our littles were born in the midst of a global pandemic they have yet to experience a college football tailgate. We are so excited this year to finally be able to take them to one! Which means the most important question remains, what are they going to wear?
Last year I made Oregon State ice dyed shirts. I was so thrilled with the outcome that I have since done several other ice dye projects. In the interest of trying out something a little different this year, with Oregon State’s colors being black and orange I decided that reverse dying was the natural choice. I started by using a black tee shirt and a bleach water mixture and was thrilled with the outcome! Feeling confident in my new found skill I tried it on a sweatshirt…you win some, you lose some. The sweatshirt not being 100 percent cotton had a very different look to it that I just did not love. But I still pressed on and tried a purple sweatshirt for University of Washington! While I liked this a lot better I still think I am going to stick with my ice dying!